Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Abandoned Blog in Cyberspace

Dear blog,

I should apologize for abandoning you since July. I just had so many other things to do, and whenever I wanted to tell a story, I never thought of you.

The reason that I am back now is that I'm using the blogger server to blog about my classroom experience for Dr. Stohr's practicum class. As soon as I signed in, YOU showed up, my little abandoned blog. Because of this new blog, I even had to change my visible name from "Embeegee" (the phonetic form of my friends' name for me "MBG") to Mary Beth, since that's less ridiculous.

You know blog, I like to write and I think you are worthwhile. However, you never win my attention because you are not an urgent priority, and therefore cannot compete very well with my other priorities. I am also aware that my priorities change by the minute. That's because I change by the minute, and so does everything else. Maybe I'm not the best at prioritizing, but I'm very sure that I am capable of constantly putting things into perspective. I'm a big picture person.

Also, blog, my self-view tends to fluctuate with various factors. Am I important enough to have a blog? What should be filtered from my thoughts to your pages? How honest should I be with you? I'm not really an expert on anything, and I don't really expect to advise anybody. Does having a personal blog means that I think my life is important for people to know about? I would hope that this blog might become the antithesis of that, but then again I will contradict myself again and again. Afterall, if I had no intention of my words being available to other people, then I would just write my thoughts in a Word Document and save it, wouldn't I?

Anyway, thanks, blog, for still being here. I plan to see you again and write in your welcoming textboxes that you generously provide for me everyday.